Friday, August 14, 2009

The Miracle of Forgiveness

I've slacked off a bit spiritually since being home from my mission. I've recently tried to get back into the routine of daily scripture study. What holds me back is I love to read and if I'm gonna sit down and read a book it's difficult for me to focus on Lehi's dream when I could be finding out who's snipers have cross hairs set on Kyle all day in The Associate by John Grisham. So I figured if it's a novel I'm looking for might as well read a church novel or at least a church book in novel format. As I scanned the shelves at Deseret book I came across "The Miracle of Forgiveness" by Spencer W. Kimball." I had an instant flashback to a time before my mission when I came across the book in the church library and I asked my bishop about it. He responded in these words, "don't read that book! You'll never want to serve a mission if you read that book! That book can make an apostle feel guilty!" I was stunned at the time but a smile now ran across my face as I thought well the missions over now muahahahaha.
I had a few companions tell me they had to read it as part of their repentance process, everyone knows it's the ultimate punishment for transgressing. Why did I wanna read it? I don't know but I didn't want others in the store to judge me for picking it up. I felt almost like I was buying a porno (not that I've ever done that) but I remember looking side to side to see if I was being watched. When nobody was looking I reached out and snatched a copy all in one motion then positioned it with the cover against my body so nobody would know the difference. Once the eagle had landed I made my assention to the front counter, looking back and forth at people as I moved swiftly. I stopped momentarily to admire all the CTR rings that were in different languages, then continued as I put into perspective the package I had obtained and the need for it to be in my glove compartment as soon as possible. I slammed it on the counter face down so even the lady checking me out might not know. She spoke up, "Miracle of Forgiveness eh?"
I shrieked and replied "it's not mine, it's for a friend!" Why did I say that so loud. SHE SEES RIGHT THROUGH YOU! I'm sure she's heard that one a million times before. I started to question if I was guilty. The expression on her face told me I was. Ahhhh no wonder my bishop was trippin. Why am I getting this? PUT THE THING IN THE BAG LADY IT'S BEEN SITTING THERE FOR LIKE 5 MINUTES! It's a good thing this thing will help me repent. I'm repenting? Am I talking or is the book talking now? My precious! My preeeecious! Give me my precious!
"21 dollars." The woman said as I shot her a look. "That's the price of repentence in this church ha ha ha." What? Oh I was thinking outloud again.
She was kind enough to put it in a black bag for me and off I went.
I put the bag in my glove compartment and never opened it again. Instead I read a less scary book that afternoon. "The Shining" by Steven King."


  1. Hey stranger its nice to see you with a Blog wahoo Im excited

  2. This is awesome! You are a good writer, I'm impressed! However, you spent $21 dollars on a book and you haven't read it yet? Now that's just crazy!
